What is meet’n’eat?

meet’n’eat is just what is says, it’s a time for people to come together for fellowship and a meal. There are no expectations, no cost, it’s just an opportunity for the community and church to meet and share a meal.

This happens every Wednesday evening from 5 to 7pm at the Church, right the way through the year. Whoever comes along will find a warm welcome, along with a hot, home cooked meal and n opportunity to chat to others. We have a great group of volunteers who cook, serve, set up and clean up so that anyone who attends can simply enjoy a meal and company. The food changes from week to week and is as varied as those that cook it, but the food is always hot, full of flavour, filling, and followed by a dessert!

So if you’d benefit from a home cooked meal or would simply like some company for an evening, please come along and join us.

The History of meet’n’eat

meet’n’eat, as an idea, was conceived during lockdown in 2021. The thinking was to try and find a way to meet the needs being made apparent around NBC at the time, largely as a result of the global pandemic. We had already created the Covid Response Group, out of which came the food pantry (which included books), food hampers for vulnerable families (in partnership with local schools) and partnerships with other agencies including DENS and the Open Door in Berkhamsted.


The needs around the church were becoming very apparent. Not only was there an increasing level of food poverty due to financial difficulties as well as provision, but also a pandemic of mental health issues, many linked to anxiety, social media influence and loneliness.


The needs were being found in those we met in the village and surrounding area, as well as within the church, as people found themselves losing touch with friends and feeling increasingly isolated. The response was to create a weekly meal and hospitality gathering which would enable any and all to come and eat and chat and make friends. Here then was an opportunity for single parents to come and feed their kids, get out of the house for a while, as well as the lonely and isolated finding friendship and a regular meal.


We began in November 2021 and have met weekly on Wednesdays ever since. We have a team of cooks, and washers up, and people who will sit and chat with our guests. The main principle is friendship and community, eating and chatting are more important than preparing and clearing.


How can I help?

If you enjoy cooking for a big group, normally between 20-40, love washing up, serving others, or simply enjoy talking to new people, please contact the church office and we’ll add you to the list of volunteers.