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Leadership Team

We are responsible for the strategic direction and culture here at NBC, as well as managing much of the day to day activity of the Church. We are also the trustees and take responsibility for ensuring that all our legal and charitable obligations are fulfilled.


David Russell
Senior Minister

Mike Plowman
New leader

neil wood
church secretary


Vivian Watson church treasurer

growing community

Parmjit cropped.png

parmjit Moyo
caring community

Tracey skeggs gathering community


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Barbara Newton
connecting Community


Kevin Ling
resourcing community




We are all employed by NBC to lead and manage specific areas of Church life.


Revd. David Russell
Senior Minister

David was brought up in Northchurch and became a Christian here. He is married to Michelle, a nurse who also trained in theology, mission and evangelism, and they have four children: Olivia, Joel, Seth and Lily, and Bella the dog. David trained at Cliff College and Regents Park College in Oxford, and was the Youth Worker before becoming Minister in 2001. David loves to read, to run and to watch sport, he is also a great fan of cheese and instant coffee.


Sarah Taylor
Church Coordinator

Sarah is married with 2 children and has been a Christian since March 1990.  She has worked in office admin since 1997, including a Christian publishing company and a Christian charity, she also ran her own business for several years. Sarah is an active member of the worship team, singing, playing bass and she has also has written several songs. Sarah loves reading, cooking and all arts & crafts including crochet, pottery and woodturning.


Steve Brehm
Operations Manager

A member at Northchurch Baptist Church for twenty years, Steve is married to Marion and has three daughters (Naomi, Lydia and Danielle). He lives in Tring.
Half American, half Scottish, Steve was born in Madison, Wisconsin, and his childhood years were divided between time in Scotland (Dundee) and time in Florida (Clearwater).
Steve is a screenwriter and, until lockdown, led the corporate fundraising team at Rennie Grove in Tring.


Mary-Ann Mountford
Children’s and Families Worker

Mary-Ann lives in a nearby village with her husband and three children. She recently moved back to the UK from down-under (Perth to be exact), where she taught in a local primary school and swam with whale sharks and humpbacks. Her background is teaching in primary schools and is using this experience and her love of Jesus and of people to serve, teach and encourage the incredible children of Northchurch.